This Week\’s Sunday School Lesson, \”Praise The Lord With Your Whole Heart\” 1/15/2017


Psalms 65:1-2, 9-13

V:1. \” There will be silence before You, and praise in Zion, O God, And to You the vow will be performed.\”
A. Praise is due God because He is God.
1. God is due our highest, most sincere praise.
2. God ought to be praised because of His works.
3. God ought to praise because of the salvation He made
available to man.
B. We ought not praise man the way we praise God.
1. To praise man is to do dishonor to God.
2. Every thought and action of man is due to man\’s dependence
on God.
3. Every thought or action of man, good or bad, is in the
control of God.
4. God is due praise, man is due consideration.
C. God is due praise because I was lost and now found.
1. God is due praise because I was blind, but now I see.
2. God is due praise because I was stuck in mud of sin but now
I am set free on the rock of His righteousness.
3. God is due praise because I was hell bound, but now my
sights are on heaven.
D. The Psalms were designed as hymns of praise to the Lord in
Zion, the presence of the Lord.
1. Every baptized believer is part of Zion\’s chorus.
2. God has authored songs of Praise to Himself to be song by
all believers in worship of Him.
3. We ought to praise God in the assembly of the saints.
E. Our praise is but silence before the voice of God.
1. Consider our praise against the roaring thunder of God.
2. Consider the volume of our praise against God\’s lightening
in the sky.
3. Praise ought to begin in silence in our hearts then burst
in sounds glorifying the Lord.
F. Any vow we make to the Lord ought to be performed or carried
1. Normally, when we are in need, we will make promises to the
Lord in prayer.
2. It is God who hears and answers the prayers of believers.
a. When God answers our prayer, we ought to make good on
our vows.
b. God is faithful in all His promises setting the
example for our faithfulness.
c. When we realize the goodness of God, we ought to be
moved to vows of service to Him to show our

V:2. \” O You who hear prayer, To You all men come.\”
A. Notice the personal pronoun, you; in the King James its thee
or thou.
1. The Psalmist proclaims God as personal to Him.
2. It is not the idea of God, but the true and living God
who hears and answers prayers.
3. We have a personal God who expects our prayers.
4. God sits high, but stoops low to hear our prayer and show
compassion to us.
5. It is the Lord who draws men to Himself.
a. Jesus said, no one can come to me unless the Father
draws him.
b. Jesus elects and calls those He predestined to himself.
6. According to Spurgeon, when we heed the call of Christ we
ought to come weeping in conversion, hoping in
supplication, rejoicing in praise and delighting in

V:9. \” You visit the earth and cause it to overflow; You greatly enrich it; The stream of God is full of water; You prepare their grain, for thus You prepare the earth. \”
A. We have provisional reasons to praise the awesomeness of God.
1. God in creation prepared the earth for man\’s habitation.
2. The earth overflows with provisions for man\’s existence;
plants,fruit trees and animals.
3. At creation, the earth was created as fertile ground.
a. God planted a garden called Eden.
b. In it was every plant and fruit for man to eat.
c. Every animal on land and in the water was created in
abundance for man\’s pleasure.
4. Oceans, rivers and streams were created with an endless
supply of water and fish for man\’s enjoyment.
B. The atmosphere was created with an endless supply of
ingredients for the respiratory system.
1. God didn\’t need creation for Himself.
2. God existed before creation and was perfect in Himself.
2. Maybe He decided to create man for conversation and

V:10 You water its furrows abundantly, You settle its ridges, You soften it with showers, You bless its growth.
11 You have crowned the year with Your bounty, And Your paths drip with fatness.\”
A. Not only did God create the earth for man, but He continues to
maintain it.
1. God supplies the earth with plentiful rainfall to keep the
ground soft and ready for the planting of seed for growth.
2. God created the four seasons for crop growth and for mans
a. We have the winter for the rest of the ground.
b. We have the spring for planting.
c. We have the summer for growth.
d. We have the fall for harvest and preparation of the
ground for the next planting season.
B. It is God who blesses the ground with the necessary
nutrients for growth.
1. It is God who gives the sunlight for growth.
2. It is God who causes the planted seed to germinate under
3. Without God\’s continuous intervention, growth would not
be possible.
4. It is God who causes each plant to produce seeds for the
process of growth to continue.
C. It is God that gave each species of animals the ability to
reproduce itself.
1. It is God who gives man the intellect to use what He
created to continue to produce more.
2. God\’s provisions for man is inexhaustible .
3. Our love and gratitude for God ought to be inexhaustible.

V:12- 13.\” The pastures of the wilderness drip, And the hills gird themselves with rejoicing.
13 The meadows are clothed with flocks And the valleys are covered with grain; They shout for joy, yes, they sing.\”
A. The tender mercies of God toward man is seen in the abundance
of the harvest in fields.
1. For those who trust the Lord and follow His commands, God
promises to provide for them.
2. Believers ought to rejoice when they see the abundance in
the fields.
3. Anytime we go to the grocery stores and see the shelves
filled, we ought to break out in songs of joy before the
Lord\’s work.
B. The clothes we are dressed with first clothed the animals of
the field.
1. God provides food for the animals so that they become food
and clothes for man.
2. The food on our tables first covered the fields in
abundance for our good.
3. We owe God praise for His constant provisions.
4. We ought to rejoice in the goodness of the Lord.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Toll Way
Houston, Texas 77040

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